Monday, June 14, 2010

Eat every 3 hours

Eat at 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm

At first it doesn't seem like a lot of food but 3 hours comes up fast and it's time to eat again. Eating small meals and eating frequently is the key habit to form.

Start reading labels and get educated about how many calories you're eating.

You only need 2,000 calories a day -you might be eating this in one meal!!!

300 calories times 5 small meals is 1,500 calories so at this rate you're losing at least 1 pound a week; in a year that's 52 pounds.

Exercise and burn off another 500 calories a day and you're losing 2 pounds a week or 100 pounds a year.

Losing weight takes time so be patient.

You are 70% water so drink a lot of water. A lot of times when you think you're hungry you're just dehydrated.

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